Fashion to me has become very disposable; I wanted to get back to craft, to clothes that could last. I have an obsession with details and pattern.
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You have to stay true to your heritage; that's what your brand is about.
I was the first person to have a punk rock hairstyle. Dressing is a way of life.
Elegance is not the prerogativeof those who have just escaped from adolescence.
The market is like a language, and you have to be able to understand what they're saying.
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Vorresti cambiare il look della tua auto o del tuo veicolo commerciale? Affidati a noi della INTERNI AUTO e troveremo la soluzione giusta per te! La nostra novità è che ritiriamo interni…

Con grande cura e professionalità eseguiamo nuovi rivestimenti in pelle e altri tessuti, modifiche nell’imbottitura, trapuntature e ricami.

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